Saturday, June 14, 2014

They dance elegantly across the sky;
Their majesty, simply so far away. 
But still intriguing to my weary eyes,
These glimm'ring things exalt life to this day.

The sky looms overhead as a disease,
Mountains engulf the sun; it fades to black.
I sit here and I wait, my soul appeased,
Though happiness, this place, it seems to lack.

Across the darkened land they flicker on,
The wind is calm and everything lies still. 
All sense of any puissance now gone; 
A crispness in the air; a subtle chill. 

I watch 'til morning comes and day's renewed,
Enthralled by wondrous chaos in my view.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Funny how we expect everyone to have the same perceptions as we do; how we see only the best in others. How we forgive time and time again those who don't deserve it, and shut out those that need a second chance. How we try so hard, but no matter what, it seems to never be hard enough. All of these things that wear and tear at us, bringing us beyond overwhelmed. All of these things, that are supposed to ultimately make us stronger. Yet we never feel like we're really becoming any stronger, simply like we're spinning in circles, going absolutely nowhere. Funny how we always find a way to blame our faults on everything around us, without ever considering that maybe, just maybe, the problem lies within the man in the mirror. 

Funny how none of these things are actually funny.