Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Since when did everyone become so damn scared of life? I swear to god, nobody DOES anything anymore.  I see so many people building their dream lives over social media platforms, rather than actually building their dreams to be lived out, and being too fucking scared to take a chance on anyone, because nobody wants to get hurt.

EVERYTHING that is worth it in life is going to hurt you at one point, to some degree or another.
You fail a class, and you lose a scholarship.  Detrimental.  Are you completely giving up on your degree? Hell no. 
You go snowboarding and break your wrist.  Are you going to stop snowboarding? I hope not. 
And so on.

Get over your glorified ideas of what life should be based around twitter and "__ Things You Should Know About ____" blogs, because life is not even close to that way.

End all these bullshit trends like awful grammar, "side hoes", and the rest of the monstrosity that has plagued our generation.  Go out and fucking do things.  Go meet someone new.  Go on dates.  Take a chance on that nice guy that you're so positive will end up turning into a complete asshole.  Go adventure.  Engage in risky behavior.  Get your adrenaline going.  Make moves and stake your claim.  You're going to be miserable, and that will never stop as long as you keep waiting for things to magically happen, rather than taking the initiative to make them. 

If you were to die today, would you be satisfied with what you accomplished with your time here?
That's on you.

Stop being scared of life.

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